Time Slot Management Wiki

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Time Slot Management Wiki
  • Who are the intended users of the traffic control and timeslot management system?

    The system for timeslot management is intended to be used by exhibitors, stand builders and/or carrier services who wish to take advantage of the services of our official forwarder/carrier at the exhibition site in Essen.

    A prerequisite for using the system is that your truck must always be loaded/unloaded by a forklift of our exhibition site carrier. The functions of the system are coupled to mandatory use of this service.

  • What does the new system have to offer?

    Within the scope of the new traffic control system, we offer you supply chain event management with planned, transparent logistics processes. To do this, we provide you with so-called loading slots, which are timeslots reserved for you on specific dates and for specific logistics areas for loading and unloading your trucks.

    For each of your vehicles to be loaded or unloaded with a forklift, you book your own timeslots before and after the trade fair, thus eliminating undesirable waiting periods on the day of setting up or taking down your trade fair stand. This allows you to precisely plan your deliveries and pickups beforehand.

    This loading slot is available to you during the setting up phase from February 4th, 2021 up to February 8th, 2021 inclusive. For the taking down phase, we have allotted the time period from February 12th, 2021 up to February 13th, 2021.

    On February 11th, 2021 it is possible to pick up exhibition goods without booking a loading slot beforehand, but please remember to also order a forklift. Please mind the traffic guide.

    Loading slots for early setup on February 11th, 2021 (i.e., before the allotted setup period for the fair) can be arranged for you by our expedition-site carrier.

    Contact: Schenker Deutschland AG , phone +49.(0)201.9597910

  • How is this new system used?

    We have set up a special web portal designed specifically to manage loading slots, which we have uploaded into the system as free resources. After you log in, all functions needed to book a loading slot will be available to you. An easy-to-use search function is also provided that enables you to look for and reserve free slots. In addition, you can also display an overview of all slots you have reserved, or which we have confirmed and thus booked for you.

    The system also generates and provides a special Entrance Pass for you for each timeslot you have booked. This you must fill out completely with all relevant information. You or your driver will need to show this Entrance Pass during the Performance phase.

    E-mail notifications are generated and sent to you automatically regarding all important transactions you make in the system. These are intended to provide confirmation feedback of your particular transactions, and inform you, where applicable, of the next steps to be taken.

  • When and where will the system be available?

    The timeslot management system will be available to you as an online web portal as of 8:00 a.m. on December 11th, 2020 at the following link:

    Please follow the link shown below to register yourself beforehand (required only the first time you use the system):

    You can also find both URLs in the Exhibitor Service of our homepage.

    A timeslot must be reserved at the latest 24 hours before it is scheduled to begin.

  • What costs does using the system incur?

    There are no charges for using the web platform and its possibilities. On the contrary – you benefit from this just-in-time organisation in that waiting periods are avoided.

    And during the setting-up and taking-down phases, all trucks registered via the slot management system do not have to make a site entry deposit.

Time Slot Management Wiki



INFORM's time slot management offers a centralized communication platform with which the most varied logistical requirements can be depicted. INFORM's time slot management system paves the way to optimized truck handling and thereby saves time and costs. Increased transparency and improved planning capability.

The system for timeslot management is intended to be used by exhibitors, stand builders and/or carrier services who wish to take advantage of the services of our official forwarder/carrier at the exhibition. Time slot Period of time during which certain activities are governed by specific regulations. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. TIME SLOT MANAGEMENT FOR RETAILERS The ebook explores how the most successful businesses manage their inbound transportation with a focus on time slot management as the feature addressing some of the most significant pain points for delivery. What can Alpega TMS do for your business? The Time Slot Management System optimizes the delivery process as a whole and provides additional functionality for transport logistics management systems. We cite one of the warehouse employees: “Such systems push us out of the dark ages, provide transparency and basis for analysis, as well as complete control over the arrival and unloading.

Time Slot Management

Time Slot Management Wiki

Time Slot Management Wiki

  • Where and when does the driver report arrival of his registered vehicle?

    Check-in takes place at parking area P9. Your driver reports to our personnel, and shows them his entrance pass, which he must bring along with him. Ideally, your driver should arrive at check-in at least 30 minutes prior to timeslot begin. This ensures that loading/unloading can begin punctually at the logistics area.

    The deadline for reporting is 15 minutes after the timeslot has started. In other words, if your driver has not reported to check-in within 15 minutes after the beginning time of the loading slot, the booking is cancelled.

  • What happens when the driver comes too late to check-in? What, when it has been neglected to book a slot?

    As soon as the driver has notified us of his late arrival by calling us while he is still underway, we can cancel the slot originally booked, and assign a new loading slot to him in the system. By notifying us in good time and naming us a new arrival time as precisely as possible, we will be able to offer you a new loading slot that involves as little waiting as possible.

    Arriving too late without prior notification, or even neglecting to book a slot during Scheduling can, on the other hand, result in longer waiting periods. We will only be able to start looking for a free loading slot after the driver has checked in at parking area P9. Note: In that case the order of a fork-lift truck is solely possible at parking area P9.

  • What happens when the timeslot is exceeded?

    Timeslots are allotted a period, which should cover most anticipated unloading and loading times. Please make sure, in addition to arriving punctually at check-in (see above), that your trucks leave the fairgrounds as quickly as possible after loading activities have finished.

    In the event delays do occur, please notify us of the situation as soon as you recognise that there will be a delay. This will enable us to smoothly coordinate any vehicles arriving after your vehicle.