Alberta Casino Volunteer Positions

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We Need Your Help! Volunteers Needed for Calgary Casino - August 2019

  1. Alberta Casino Volunteer Positions Opportunities
  2. Alberta Casino Volunteer Positions Near Me

KEY POSITIONS: General Manager Paid staff of the licensed orc a. They are members of b. They volunteer their sen c. They do not fill the f0110M d. No individual shall work e. All personnel shall be ei PARTICULARS OF Surname APPLICATION completed in full. DATE(S) OF CASINO ined from our website: )LUNTEER WORKEF this form. This form must be. (One or two positions will be standing 100%.) Chip Runner. Minimal use of handheld computer in the performance of their duties. Sitting 80% of the time waiting. Not permitted in Cash Cage. Must remain on Casino Floor or volunteer lounge. Further details can be found in the Alberta Casino Advisors’ Volunteer Information Package.

Dystonia Medical Research Foundation (DMRF) Canada is looking for casino volunteers:

Alberta Casino Volunteer Positions Opportunities

When: August 11 and 12, 2019.
Where: Elbow River Casino (19 - 2121 90 Avenue SW, Calgary AB)

Volunteer positions currently available: 5 Count room volunteers on both days for 6:45 pm to 3:45 am (night shift)

Shifts are generally from 11:00 am- 7:30 pm (day shift) or 6:45 pm to 3:45 am (night shift). Night shifts are the hardest to fill, so we would appreciate if you are able to volunteer for that shift. Casino Volunteers will receive training and meals as well as a small token of our thanks. Transportation will be available if needed.

To volunteer, please contact DMRF Canada by email at or call 1-800-361-8061. Please provide date, shift and position OR let us know if you are flexible with your availability. All funds raised by the Alberta government casino are used for dystonia research, awareness and at the local level for programs specially designed for those affected by dystonia.

Thank you for your support!


We believe volunteerism is crucial for creating healthy, vibrant, and connected Albertans. Through volunteering, you can create a positive impact and help shape the future of your community.

Although our first instinct in times of uncertainty is to help, the best thing you can do to flatten the curve is stay at home. We encourage people to look for virtual or micro-volunteering opportunities. If you want to provide support to the larger community, we encourage you to start with the vulnerable people in your life – family, friends, and neighbours.

Remote volunteering allows you to volunteer from the comfort of your own home. While charities and nonprofits assess and identify their greatest needs from volunteers, there are easy and effective options for you to consider without needing to leave the house.

  • Have phone/video conversations with seniors, many of whom struggle with social isolation every day.
  • Connect with your family and loved ones often. Even short phone calls every few days can have a hugely calming effect on you and those around you.
  • Volunteer Connector keeps an ongoing inventory of volunteer opportunities, including remote volunteering.

Microvolunteering is defined by key aspects, including a short commitment, centered around a specific project and primarily done on one’s own time.

  • Signing a petition for cause you’re passionate about.
  • Sewing masks for food bank drivers.
  • Editing and formatting documents.
  • Quilting for those in need.
  • Helping with snow removal or lawn cutting for neighbours and vulnerable citizens.

Click here to learn more and find your microvolunteerism opportunity.


Alberta Casino Volunteer Positions Near Me

Volunteer roles are wide-ranging and diverse. No matter where your interests, skills, and passion lie, you can get involved and make a difference.